Wow it's been a long time since I posted! Well Emily and Ava are doing great! Let's start with Emily!
Emily: My little princess will be 5 next month and will be starting school this fall! She is excited about going, except for getting her shots!
She is becoming a Girly Girl, she LOVES going to Claire's and buying chapsticks and hair accessories, She no longer wants me to dress her or do her hair! She tells me she can do it all by herself (it makes me alittle sad)
She is also finally sleeping in her own room all by herself! This happened almost overnight, she decided that she needed her own space being that we HOG the bed.
Ava~ Wow, this little girl is growing up sooooo fast, She already has 2 front teeth (that she did so well about them coming in) She is sitting up all my herself AND she is starting to crawl!!! Yes, your read that right Ava is crawling! Not very far, but she can get what she wants when she wants it. As soon as she realizes that if she keeps at it and she can go further she will be taking off! Emily doesn't like it very much that her little sister is getting around now, being that her toys are not safe anymore. Oh, and she is also wanting to pull herself up on the couch or her excersaucer, she is trying her hardest but she only gets to her knees!
At her 6 month appointment she weighed in at 16 lbs. 11 oz. and is 27 inches tall! She is growing up so fast! As soon as I have a chance I will post a picture of both my girls, but in the meantime you can always see pictures on Facebook, being that I can download them directly from my phone.
7 years ago